02:29:54 Thursday, 13th February

Linked with the village of Mancha Blanca by a collection of thriving agricultural villages is Tinajo, the main administrative village of the north.

In this small, attractive and cosy place you will find a real jewel, its charming, prize-winning square, surrounded by numerous palms, hibiscus and laurel bushes and some specimens of a rare dragon tree native to the Canaries.

Tinajo also boasts an appealing parish church, the Parroquia San Roque, with a sundial dating from the 1800s on its roof. The interior features an attractive Mudéjar-style ceiling and some fine statues, including one of Christ by the Canarian artist Luján Pérez.

Famous for its wrestling tradition, Tinajo has one of the best teams of the island, for which it provides a nice wrestling arena, the Terrero, in the south of the village on the road coming from Mancha Blanca.